Utopian Brewing
Green Hop Pilsner
Lager 5%
Vessel: | 30 litre(s) EkegPlus |
Connector: | Sankey - S (European) |
Untappd: | |
Allergens: | Cereals containing gluten |
During the Kentish hop harvest, brewers get a chance to brew with freshly picked, undried hops, creating the ultimate seasonal beers for a couple of weeks a year. Green Hop Pilsner is a collaboration matching Utopians Brewery's British lagering skill with the green hop brewing knowledge of GADDS. A light, bready, malt body with biscuity sweet notes sits under a spicey, perfumed lemon character of East Kent Golding hops, resulting in a uniquely zesty and refreshing pilsner of the highest quality.
This is an EKegPlus Keg, when you have finished with it, please email recovery@ekegplus.com to arrange collectio