Beer has been brewed and drunk in Prerov for almost a thousand years according to valuable historical sources of this city. Nowadays the beer brewed in Prerov is known under the brand ZUBR, which represents products of high-quality and unmistakable, balanced flavour, highly rated by specialists as well as consumers. By using the traditional technology of bottom-fermenting, the Zubr brand products are ranked in the highest tier of Czech beers, that consumers label as Czech style beers.

Even today the quality and flavour make the products successful. Between 1995 – 2015, Zubr beer was awarded around 60 prizes in prestigious blind tasting contests, such as The Pivex Golden Cup, The Czech Beer Contest, the Swedish Beer and Whisky Festival or the German contest The European Beer Star. This amount od medals is unique and unmatched within the Czech Republic. A great reputation for a beer with a European Bison in its emblem means a promising future.