North Yorkshire

Yorkshire Pudding Beer

North Yorkshire

The Yorkshire Pudding Beer Brewery is located in Malton, the Food Capital of Yorkshire. Any visitor to Malton cannot fail to the miss the large Yorkshire Pudding Recipe mural on the wall by the Livestock Market. It's believed to be the first ever Yorkshire Pudding Recipe by Hannah Glass in 1747.

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It was whilst admiring and reading the recipe that the idea of a Yorkshire Pudding Beer came to mind. After much research no evidence could be found of a beer ever being made with Yorkshire Puddings before.

The first ever Yorkshire Pudding Beer was made at 5 Navigation Wharf, Malton, North Yorkshire in the Summer of 2019. Once we made it it sat there until January 2020. We didn't think anyone would buy it, but we plucked up the courage to try and sell it at The Monthly Malton Food Market in March 2020. It went mad and we had sold out after just 3 hours.

That gave us the encouragement to make another brew and the same thing happened again, sold out in matter of hours. It was at that point we knew we had something special.

The beer is made with Yorkshire Puddings from the Real Yorkshire Pudding Co in Thorne near Doncaster. We take perfectly good Yorkshire Puddings that cannot enter the supply chain (mishaps for example) and turn it into Beer.

This stops these Yorkshire Puddings from going into landfill and we make a lovely beer with it. In fact, there is a quarter of a Yorkshire Pudding in every bottle!!

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