Prime Time Lager
Both our lagers are only 95 Calories, 4gs of Carbs, Vegan and Gluten. Boasting a reduced calorie content of 30% and carb content of 63% compared to the average international lager.
They are expertly and sustainably brewed here in the UK with you and our planet in mind.
The vision was clear…to create beers with Purpose!
On a warm summer day, the conflicting love triangle between beer, fitness and having a good time became too strong to ignore and we knew a solution was needed!
Following years of developments, tweaks and refinements we are proud to introduce to you, The Game changer, the world’s first low calorie caffeine infused lager and its refreshingly sexy sibling The Trend Setter, our low calorie lager!
On a warm summer day, the conflicting love triangle between beer, fitness and having a good time became too strong to ignore and we knew a solution was needed!
Following years of developments, tweaks and refinements we are proud to introduce to you, The Game changer, the world’s first low calorie caffeine infused lager and its refreshingly sexy sibling The Trend Setter, our low calorie lager!