Arbor Ales

We've been brewing our beers in the fine city of Bristol since 2007. All of our beers are brewed with the intention of creating something we'll enjoy drinking ourselves and, more importantly, something we're proud to put our name to.

In a world of endless possibilities, we try to explore as many of them as possible, which is why to date we've brewed in excess of three hundred different beers: some of them regulars, the odd few occasionals, and far too many one-offs to remember let alone try to name!
Our current kit can produce up to 20 brewers barrels, depending on the beer and how heavily hopped it is. We have 10 fermentation vessels, with the most recent additions being oversized to allow double brews of our more popular beers. Having started as a one-man operation, the business has slowly expanded to the current team of fifteen as demand, production, brew house and premises size have increased.
We put a premium on quality and consistency, which means monitoring the beer at every stage of the brewing process and beyond. Much of our equipment, i.e. our keg washing & filling machine and our canning machine, were chosen with this in mind.
Its pretty obvious you cant make good beer or great beer without quality ingredients. Everything that goes into our beer is sourced from the best suppliers, with quality always taking preference over price. We carefully cultivate our own yeast, which we use for all of our beers apart from a few specialties.
As anyone familiar with our beers will attest, we thoroughly advocate the judicious use of hops, with nearly every beer we make, including some you probably wouldnt expect, thoroughly hopped and dry hopped for optimum flavour and aroma. Though we do have a few beers brewed with English hop varieties, the vast majority are brewed with hops sourced from America, New Zealand and Australia.